Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ambiguous would have been a better choice.

Don't really feel that you are ready for this relation up until now. You are not into it at all. At least this is how I felt. There's no time between us. We don't understand both enough. Then why get it started? My bad. Should I make an end for this, just like I started? Hmm...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Holy shitting blurred with where should I go and what should I do~ After being released by the stupid feeling's pressure, now I'm so damn stressed with my future. Am I going to continue my studies in school for UEC and STPM so that I could save money with the scholarship in the future? Or should I leave my school for HELP's so that I am finally freed from Malay and Chinese and all those stupid science subject?

What a failure~~

Lol, failure ain't that disappointing as I thought it was. Maybe I'd already had the answer? Anyways, gave my last shot and I've given it all up. I GIVE UP =D No more trying this kinda things in the future. (sob sob sob T^T )

Friday, March 12, 2010

short thoughts.

Feel exhausted, is it time to make it a past tense? What I've done made no sense to you? Or did i just made a stupid hypothesis? Time to give my last shot. If this fail, I will have nothing left but my mindless, soulless body. Maybe I was meant to be a puppet without strings? Hope what I think it is ain't what it is.