Saturday, April 3, 2010





Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ambiguous would have been a better choice.

Don't really feel that you are ready for this relation up until now. You are not into it at all. At least this is how I felt. There's no time between us. We don't understand both enough. Then why get it started? My bad. Should I make an end for this, just like I started? Hmm...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Holy shitting blurred with where should I go and what should I do~ After being released by the stupid feeling's pressure, now I'm so damn stressed with my future. Am I going to continue my studies in school for UEC and STPM so that I could save money with the scholarship in the future? Or should I leave my school for HELP's so that I am finally freed from Malay and Chinese and all those stupid science subject?

What a failure~~

Lol, failure ain't that disappointing as I thought it was. Maybe I'd already had the answer? Anyways, gave my last shot and I've given it all up. I GIVE UP =D No more trying this kinda things in the future. (sob sob sob T^T )

Friday, March 12, 2010

short thoughts.

Feel exhausted, is it time to make it a past tense? What I've done made no sense to you? Or did i just made a stupid hypothesis? Time to give my last shot. If this fail, I will have nothing left but my mindless, soulless body. Maybe I was meant to be a puppet without strings? Hope what I think it is ain't what it is.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Its a month since the first day of school!! It's so exhausting, tiring and all those tiring words u can imagine! Kinda wish I didn't choose for lower 6 or promising my mom to be her kindergarten teacher.. But still, promises are promises, can't give up in the middle of everything. Gotta stand still and face all that's coming with my back straight! Grrr! Really lazy to blog ler.... = =

Like what Michelle said, I look more like someone just came out from the jungles more than a student right now. Don't have the time to update myself. What the Fuck with this busy busy life!!! Hope it ends soon....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Act 4 Take 2301

Hunger is conquering me!!! I am all alone in the mid night!! I need FOOD!! It's so so so frustrating when you are hungry! So I decide to make a post of it!

Hungry, means you have an empty stomach, maybe ate a few hours or a few days ago ( that's starving = =) but all the proteins, triglycerol are all hydrolysed and the energy produced by burning this substances are used up in cellular activities! Sorry for the nonsense in Marsish, I mean all the food you ate are digested and used up all the energy you have. Firstly, you will find your saliva's stimulated in a vast amount, trying to overflow your mouth. Next, it OVERFLOWS!!! Then, your stomach is gonna make a weird sound that sounds like "gugu gugu gugu", prepare yourself a pair of earplug to cover your ears cause your stomach is gonna scream!!!! Later on, you will find yourself unable to move because your energy were used up!!

This is how scary being hungry is! So be careful not to let your stomach empty!!

Being full is also a Rock'n'Roll Style~ YEAH~~~~~~

And now, my saliva's overflowing, my stomach's screaming, immobilized ... So... Anyone wanna accompany me before your stomach starts screaming too?


Was kinda upset with my mother... =( She praised my artwork ( My youngest brother Hang Xu's sketch =D It was a masterpiece! For her...) , but this morning, before I pass up my form for the SUEC, she said "NOOOOOOO" This is a fucking bullshit that annoyed me the whole day!!!
Hope I could somehow
D. "convince"
her to let me take that art~